
Financial support for innovation center with global influence (2015)


IV. Streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels

1. Release scientific and technological achievements and earnings by making the rights available to institutes of higher learning and scientific researchers, assess achievements that are funded by Shanghai and are not involved in national defense or security that can be assessed without government approval, and let the profits from the transfer or conversion of achievements stay with the academic and scientific research institutes. 

2. Increase the profit from the conversion of scientific achievements for scientific research personnel, letting them go first to personnel or teams that have contributed the most, let the rest be used for scientific research, intellectual property management or other technical transfers, and let no less than 70-percent of the profit go to research teams and do not count it as salary. 

3. Explore market pricing for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements gradually in conformation with the scientific and technological achievement transfer law, let institutes of higher learning and scientific research in Shanghai determine the price through negotiations, markets, or auction, and base the price negotiations similar achievements in public, before setting the final price.  

4. Apply a liability exemption policy for "investment failure" in transforming scientific and technological achievements, and develop an atmosphere of honesty and innovation and acceptance of failure to stimulate institutes of higher learning and scientific research for innovation, so that institutes that invest in scientific achievement transfers won't be penalized for investment loss if they fulfill their responsibilities. 

5. Develop an environment that is conducive to scientific and technological achievement transfers, make full use of services and technical support from institutes, government R&D services, industrial technology research institute, the Zhangjiang industrial research institute, and technology markets at institutions of higher learning, introduce a market mechanism, use government purchasing services, encourage participation of enterprises and social research institutes, be innovative in industry-university-institute cooperation, and provide services for institutions of higher learning and scientific research to restudy and redevelop those transformations. 

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