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Lujiazui Forum to take place in Pudong Updated: 2023-06-02

The prestigious 14th Lujiazui Forum, an esteemed financial conference, is scheduled to commence from June 8 to 9 under the banner "Global Financial Openness and Cooperation: New Momentum for Economic Recovery". Notable for attracting top talent, this year's event boasts nearly 70 speakers, including leading figures from China's financial regulatory departments, international organizations, scholars, and Nobel Laureate Economists.

With the objective of illuminating pivotal economic and financial issues, the forum will orchestrate a total of seven plenary sessions and three Pujiang Night Talks. Special attention will be devoted to exploring cooperation models aligned with ESG (environment, social, and governance) principles aimed at propelling financial reform and global governance. These efforts will facilitate the development of Shanghai's International Financial Center, contributing to its construction and growth.

Moreover, acknowledging the profound impact of technological innovation on financial progress, the forum will introduce its inaugural "Sci-Tech Finance Workshop". The workshop will explore pioneering direct financing mechanisms tailored for science and technology enterprises and innovative strategies to support intellectual property finance.

The 14th Lujiazui Forum heralds the first public appearance of prominent leaders from China's financial regulatory departments since the reform of the nation's financial regulatory system. Now returning to an in-person format, the event is expected to attract significant domestic and global media coverage. Opening ceremonies and plenary sessions will also be available for public viewing, highlighting the forum's significance in the financial world.