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​Waigaoqiao port takes action to improve business environment Updated: 2021-07-13

The Waigaoqiao border checkpoint in East China's Shanghai has been ramping up efforts to provide efficient and high-quality clearance services for companies and improve its port business environment.

The checkpoint is among the first to offer "one-stop" clearance services to simplify inspection procedures for international vessels. Data showed that a total of 10,590 foreign ships passed through the port during the first half of 2021, and over 95 percent had benefited from the service. More than 5,000 hours have been saved in total in procedures and formalities.

Smart technologies have also been applied to speed up the clearance process. Enterprises or individuals that need to go through the Waigaoqiao port can register their ships and apply for a license through a website or a WeChat mini program rather than in person. More than 20,000 licenses have been granted online over the first half of the year.

The checkpoint has also opened a new service window to help sailors change shifts.