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Shanghai's first 5G talent base unveiled in Jinqiao

Updated: 2020-09-25


The newly-built 5G talent base adheres to national development strategies, especially in infrastructure development, and focuses on the research and development of 5G technology. [Photo/WeChat account: pdnews]

According to authorities, the 5G talent base will adhere to national development strategies, especially in infrastructure development, and put its focus on the research and development of 5G technology. More specific plans for talent training will be rolled out as well, in an effort to boost the development of new technologies in the 5G industry, as well as to improve the environment for 5G industrial services.

Jinqiao is home to Shanghai's first 5G industrial park for 5G commercialization and houses the 5G innovation centers of Huawei and China Mobile's Shanghai branch, as well as an open lab of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. The park is expected to boost the development of superfast technology and intelligent manufacturing.

The establishment of the 5G talent base in Jinqiao is expected to greatly improve Jinqiao's industrial ecology and inject new impetus into the zone's 5G industry. The talent base will also advance Pudong's development strategies in its six core industries, and a comprehensive 5G industrial base is expected to form in the area.

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