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Zhangjiang to become AI industrial center in Shanghai

Updated: 2020-07-02


An AI museum in Zhangjiang Science City [Photo/WeChat account: pdnews]

Zhangjiang Science City is currently in the process of developing a huge AI industrial ecological cluster centered around the existing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Island, according to a spokesperson for Zhangjiang Group at a media conference on AI industrial development in Pudong New Area, Shanghai on July 1.

The group established the AI Island in April 2018. It covers an area of 66,000 square meters. 

After two years of development, it is now home to more than 90 companies with over 4,000 sci-tech workers, forming an industrial chain involving commerce, education, research, application, and investment.

Its companies include tech giants such as Microsoft, IBM, and PingTouGe Semiconductor Co, as well as a number of micro and small start-ups.

As one of the first "AI + Parks" pilot application scenarios, Zhangjiang AI Island is committed to promoting the innovative application of AI technology.

An array of supporting facilities, including an AI museum and an AI block, have been built around the island so far.

Universities, industrial incubators, and abundant human resources are also driving forces behind the development of AI in Zhangjiang.

The group's spokesperson revealed that a huge AI industrial ecological zone will be built in the central area of Zhangjiang Science City. It will focus on basic research and development, commercial applications, and exchange and exhibitions.

The zone will also serve as a model of a future city and test smart-city technologies such as the internet of things.