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Jinqiao 5G industrial park boosts FTZ's emerging industries

Updated: 2020-06-19


A rendering of the Jinqiao 5G Industrial Park [Photo/Official WeChat account: gh_01c6f7b4cf3d]

The Shanghai government has approved the establishment of the Jinqiao 5G Industrial Park, according to a conference held in Fengxian district, Shanghai on June 16.

The conference, which focused on promoting the city's intelligent manufacturing industry, was attended by more than 100 government officials and enterprise representatives. A total of eight intelligent manufacturing industrial parks received government approval during the event.

Authorities said that Shanghai is strengthening efforts to develop intelligent manufacturing in order to enhance the overall economic strength and competitiveness of the city.

The eight newly-approved industrial parks will be hubs for innovative resources and help Shanghai develop a world-class industrial ecosystem, strengthening the city's intelligent manufacturing industry and giving it international influence.

The Jinqiao 5G Industrial Park occupies an area of 5.4 square kilometers and will focus on the development of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles. It will also help the city establish a complete "5G Future Car" industrial chain.

The park is already home to a number of innovative enterprises and institutions in the "5G Future Car" industrial chain, including the Huawei Shanghai Research Institution and SAIC Infineon Automotive Power Modules (Shanghai) Company, all of which contribute to the development of 5G in Jinqiao.

The Jinqiao 5G Industrial Park is an innovative platform with full 5G coverage, and is meant to transform Jinqiao into a powerhouse for the innovative development of the 5G industry, an attractive destination for high-level 5G talent and resources, and a model for accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and fostering emerging industries in Jinqiao.