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Zhangjiang home to innovative high-growth enterprises Updated: 2019-02-26

The workers mainly specialize in hi-tech sectors, and play a leading role in local hi-tech industrial development.

The enterprises developed 2,544 scientific research projects in 2017, and completed 1,408 projects. Their investment in R&D totaled 2.46 billion yuan in 2017, and on average they each received 2.4 patents.

The survey report said that such measures as building industrial chains, rolling out innovative policies, cultivating markets, reducing companies' tax burden, expanding fundraising channels, and protecting intellectual property rights have to be taken to help the high-growth enterprises grow further.

It suggested that Zhangjiang should build an open and energetic industrial system based on fundamental technology and advantageous industries to promote the integration of industries, talents, capital and innovation.

For instance, the design and chip manufacturing companies in Zhangjiang should build close ties to form an integrated circuit industrial chain, so as to benefit related high-growth enterprises.

The integration of precision medicine, innovative medicine, intelligent medical equipment and high-end medicine can be strengthened to form an industrial cluster to develop the biomedicine industry.

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