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Zhangjiang to build biomedicine manufacturing park Updated: 2019-02-14

A biological medicine high-end manufacturing park is scheduled to be constructed at Shanghai’s Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone, according to an official announcement.

The park, with a planned area of 3.13 square kilometers, is expected to be producing more than three types of major drugs by 2028, each with a production value of 1 billion yuan ($147.8 million).

The park will focus on the high-end, green and intelligent manufacturing of original and innovative drugs, and hopes to become an innovative drug industrialization base with global influence.

In addition, it will form a high-end CDMO (contract development and manufacturing organization) platform to develop advantages in high-end biomedical manufacturing.

The main business income of the manufacturing sector in Shanghai's biomedicine industry exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time in 2017.

In 2018, the biomedicine industry became one of the key industries in Pudong New Area with a rapid growth rate, and Zhangjiang contributed the most.

Chen Li, CEO of Hua Medicine, an enterprise in Zhangjiang, said that the rapid development of Hua is inseparable from the construction of Zhangjiang's innovative environment.

In the field of tumor immunotherapy, for example, Zhangjiang has gathered a good number of influential CAR-T (chimeric antigen receptor therapy) enterprises from home and abroad, including Fosun Kite, JW Therapeutics and Cellular Biomedicine.