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Tailored customs services to benefit import expo exhibitors Updated: 2018-08-10

The Shanghai customs announced on Aug 6 multiple tailored services for the benefits of exhibitors at the China International Import Expo (CIIE) that is set to take place in Shanghai from Nov 5 to 10.

The validity date of an ATA Carnet, a customs document which permits the import and export of goods to be tax-free, for the CIIE exhibits has been prolonged from the normal six months to a year, giving the exhibitors more time to seek buyers after the expo.

Easier procedures are being launched for exhibitors who plan to continue exhibiting their displays at domestic bonded areas or cross-border e-commerce areas after the expo.

For example, exhibitors can now directly deal with certain formalities to change the property of the goods from exhibits to bonded goods, with no need to transport the goods out of China and then apply for entry permits again as they normally should do. This measure is expected to greatly reduce the transportation cost of the exhibits.

Prepackaged foods that will be on offer for visitors at the expo are allowed to be free from Chinese labels. But the exhibitors are required to give the Chinese details of its name, expiration date, and information on who the food may not be suitable for.   

The customs authorities will also conduct risk evaluation procedures on prepackaged foods to ensure that they have no risk of spreading diseases.

Additionally, other measures including simplified administrative approval and quarantine and inspection procedures, and a priority given to CIIE exhibitors to deal with customs declaration, sampling and inspection procedures are also being launched.


The National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai serves as the host venue of China International Import Expo (CIIE) that will take place from Nov 5 to 10. [Photo courtesy of National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai]