
Pudong to build over 200 parks by 2025

english.pudong.gov.cn Updated:2023-04-26

The total number of parks in Pudong New Area in East China's Shanghai is expected to exceed 200 by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), according to local authorities.

In recent years, Pudong has worked to introduce more green zones by cleverly using vacant neighborhood spaces to provide residents with "natural gardens" for walking, admiring scenery and relaxing.

The international metropolis will accelerate its pace in constructing a "park city" and developing it into a green and ecological area with a more beautiful environment and more convenient places for residents to participate in activities.

More and more pocket parks with exquisite shapes and complete facilities are being planned to be built across the residential areas in Pudong to benefit residents.

Pocket parks, which typically cover an area of 400 to 10,000 square meters, can be seen scattered around street corners, industrial zones and between apartment complexes.

At the same time, the area has also made full use of its ecological resources in countryside areas, and built small village parks, which has promoted the area's construction of beautiful countrysides and boosted its rural vitalization progress.

Wang Ting, an official from the area's ecological environment bureau, said that the total number of the area's parks exceeded 110 in 2022, and most of the pocket parks and rural parks have been renovated in the last two years.

Pudong plans to build about 30 new parks every year and promote the development of the "Park+" concept to build Pudong into a beautiful residential area and offer more green areas for the public to enjoy social gatherings, walking, entertainment and cultural displays.


Pudong plans to build more green spaces for local residents. [Photo/WeChat account: pdnews]