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Plum blossoms enter prime season in Pudong's Century Park

english.pudong.gov.cn Updated:2023-03-07

Spring has come to Pudong New Area in East China's Shanghai, and over 4,000 plum trees at Century Park are luring tourists from around the city to come and enjoy the thriving spring scenery. 


Plum blossoms are starting to bloom at Century Park in Pudong, drawing tourists to enjoy the fragrant spring scenery. [Photo/WeChat account: shsjgy]


Spring is the best time to visit Century Park in Pudong and revel in its stunning natural scenery. [Photo/WeChat account: shsjgy]


Now is the best season to appreciate the plum blossoms in Century Park in Pudong. [Photo/WeChat account: shsjgy]


Century Park in Pudong boasts expansive green spaces, forests and lakes, and is fully equipped with an array of leisure and amusement facilities. [Photo/WeChat account: shsjgy]