
Nanhui bus stop launches a book room


The books room of the Nanhui bus stop has been put into use to benefit the lives of the public, according to a news report published on Pudong's website on Jan 31.

The book room occupies an area of 160 square meters, and is renovated from a waste boiler room. The renovation project started on March, 2016.

The book room was elaborately designed by the staff of the bus stop and displays the characteristics of Shanghai.

As a branch of Pudong's library, the book room boasts a collection of over 3,000 books, with subjects ranging from history to science. More than just a reading area, the book room is also a place for discussion, lectures, trainings, leisurely activities and exhibition.

There is also a video room in the area where passengers can watch different films.


The books room of the Nanhui bus stop has been put into use to benefit the lives of the public. [Photo/ easyday.com]